when i fall

..let’s chase away, chase away the sun
but it’s so far away, far away so let’s run
run away, run away..

i will run away
from these tears today
and from what all they say

‘cause amidst blue skies
and fireflies,
it’s just you and me now

your brown eyes
sing me lullabies
and i’m still alive somehow

i need a reason and not
a hero to rescue me
i need you so please
don’t let go of me

because we will run away
from their lies today
so with all of these, i pray

‘cause amidst blue skies
and fireflies,
it’s just you and me now

your brown eyes
sing me lullabies
and i’m still alive somehow

..let’s chase away, chase away the sun
but it’s so far away, far away so let’s run
run away, run away..
and if the world keeps spinning out of control,
would you still hold my hand..

when i fall?

I blogged at 5:28 PM.

while you were sleeping

there are walls of paper moons

buried between us where

i would write poetry

upon your headstone


haunted by statues

of graveyard angels

burning in starlight




before i could hold your hand

like the quiet whispering

of trees and their leaves 

that linger upon my ears


hesitating on whether to echo

or stay just as a whisper

on a winter evening


i could only conjure us

dancing on parchment

with mere words


from our lips


and as i breathe,

you fade in

and out


like a phantom singing

the chorus of an

almost love song,

playing the piano


like the beating of my heart

where your name resides


i would fashion a funeral

for your silhouette

which i only see in dreams,

complete with flowers

and candles, a passion

of two lost souls, complete





almost lovers


and as i breathe,

you fade in

and out


in and out,

you fade into

a a ghost of a memory,

fleeting and intimate




the innocent touch

of a guilty kiss

plummets so much further

like a lie, hidden from view

at the back of my mind


and as i breathe,

you fade in

and out



like the paper moon

buried between us


dying like a torn page

from your notebook


forgotten in a corner

like the dead roses

that wither


like the graveyard angels

drowning in starlight,

i am drunk knowing

you're only a dream


a delusion, a secret

i tell the shadows

while you were sleeping

Labels: ,

I blogged at 2:40 PM.

it always rains on tuesdays

 you grabbed a cigarette,

staring at the burning embers,

not sure if you'd ever quit

not even for her

you stomped on the last one,

picked up your guitar

and automatically played out

a song from your setlist

life is hard as you pour out

your heart in front of the crowd

not sure if she'd even listen

tickets and signatures

just for a couple of bucks

'kids to feed, bills to pay'

that had been your mantra

for a long time now

but there was a time

when it had been different

rewind the clock

rekindle the flame

'this is a song about the best day of my life'

you belted out the lyrics,

almost choking out the words--

throat constricting from too much emotion

it was never about the money

it was all about love

but guys made fun of her

considered her a slut

you thought differently

she's the one, you murmured

innocent brown eyes

someone who needed saving

someone who needed you

she wrote poetry

you memorized each word

one day, you passed out

hit rock bottom, drunk,

it was way better than waiting

her soul was pure

though her lips

told a different story

a different guy's kisses

marked a complex territory

and as you finished singing the song,

you envisioned her in your arms

you already bought a ring

and she was warm,

felt like a summer daydream

but it always rained on tuesdays

and the last time you saw her

she was already someone else's angel

I blogged at 8:41 AM.

undress my heart

 i clumsily laid here beside

your vagabond ghost,

clearly visible in the

makeshift moonlight

illuminated by an

angel's halo at

nightfall as the

darkening clouds

rewrote vignettes

with the frostbitten words

your cold banshee lips

surrounded me in

my waking reverie

and as the east monsoon

howled your name

that tasted forbidden

inside my temptress mouth,

i couldn't see past

the katana skin

that you filled

within my veins

as you undressed

my heart,

slowly, hesitantly,

like it was a teenage

overmedicated romance

but we were too old for this.


I blogged at 8:41 AM.


 we once sat at the parking lot of a hospital,

praying for hearts not to flat-line.

there, you used to tell me stories about angels.

how, maybe, icarus didn't burn.

how jesus didn't die.

how your sister just lost her breath

and became one with the sea.

how her ashes shone brighter than the sun.

how babies were born from serenades.

your kiss felt like the sweet edge of winter

but you wore rain like a cologne

and as the dawn snuffed out

the stars like candles,

i watched you drive away.


I blogged at 8:39 AM.

c a t t l e y a


crushed lavender clothes my pale skin
as i bathe in your kiss
the sweet burn of winter
our song written in rain
lingering like a guitar riff
tangled in the afternoon light
eternity in a serenade
lips eclipsing in the stillness of breath
the gravity of a word
echoing in the silence
the physics of touch
the chemistry of warmth
an equation of your smile
in the abstraction of a whisper
the movement of hands
stolen by an afterthought
the simplicity of waking
a revolution in an embrace
medicine upon my tongue
the vernacular of the sun


we felt the electricity
within the push and pull of moonlight
a current in between our fingertips
a sip of rose wine
amidst the crash
and you touch me
at the base of my spine
almost hesitant,
waiting for answers
tiptoeing in curiosity
awkward caresses
and reluctant glances
soft light and muted music
echoing in the dark
an unchained melody
buried in our breaths


angels ruminate beneath the skyline
as our sighs lay hidden
unspoken in the twilight
"i could drown in my tears"
i say as i cover my eyes with remorse
"there is beauty in madness, my love"
you murmur, the tragedy of the forbidden
already written in the stars


I blogged at 4:31 AM.

i n d i g o


i only kiss her when she’s sleeping

fearing conversation

caressing her cheeks

from dried-up tears

i just want her to breathe me in

remember me in her dreams

because she’s broken

and i’m stationary

my finger is frozen

on her indigo lips

with my cigarette

forming double infinity

bruises upon her hips


I blogged at 8:24 AM.

The Blogger.

name : tiara ruiz fernandez
nickname : aya
a.k.a. : aya scribbles
thursdays and rain
orange footprints
kitkat nerd 007
age : 33 yrs old
bday : may 12
sign : taurus
location : new jersey, usa
ethnicity: filipino

The Links.

[1] rants
[2] more scribbles
[3] soundcloud

The Chat Box.


December 2018 March 2019 May 2020 December 2020 January 2021 August 2022


Skin done by Benson.
Image by Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Paint.