i n d i g o


i only kiss her when she’s sleeping

fearing conversation

caressing her cheeks

from dried-up tears

i just want her to breathe me in

remember me in her dreams

because she’s broken

and i’m stationary

my finger is frozen

on her indigo lips

with my cigarette

forming double infinity

bruises upon her hips


I blogged at 8:24 AM.

The Blogger.

name : tiara ruiz fernandez
nickname : aya
a.k.a. : aya scribbles
thursdays and rain
orange footprints
kitkat nerd 007
age : 33 yrs old
bday : may 12
sign : taurus
location : new jersey, usa
ethnicity: filipino

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[1] rants
[2] more scribbles
[3] soundcloud

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Skin done by Benson.
Image by Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Paint.